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Talk about public transport- IELTS Speaking Part 1

Giao thông là một khía cạnh quan trọng của cuộc sống hàng ngày, và nó có nhiều hình thức khác nhau. Khi đi lại trong thành phố, phương tiện giao thông công cộng thường là lựa chọn tiện lợi nhất. Chủ đề talk about public transport cũng là một trong những chủ đề được nhiều bạn lựa chọn trong phần thi IELTS Speaking

Câu hỏi phổ biến cho chủ đề Talk about public transport- Part 1

Câu hỏi phổ biến cho chủ đề Talk about public transport- Part 1
Câu hỏi phổ biến cho chủ đề Talk about public transport- Part 1

How frequently do you utilize public transportation?

How frequently do you utilize public transportation?
How frequently do you utilize public transportation?

I use public transportation quite frequently, especially for my daily commute to work. Living in a city, it’s often more convenient and cost-effective to take the bus or train instead of driving. Plus, it’s better for the environment and helps to reduce traffic congestion. I try to plan my trips ahead of time so that I can make the most of my time on public transport by reading, listening to music, or even getting some work done on my laptop.

  • Bus: Xe buýt
  • Train: Tàu hỏa
  • Subway/metro: Tàu điện ngầm
  • Tram: Xe điện
  • Taxi: Xe taxi
  • Commute: Đi làm/ngược lại từ nhà đến nơi làm việc
  • Fare: Tiền xe
  • Timetable/schedule: Thời gian đến, đi của các chuyến xe
  • Stop/station: Trạm dừng
  • Platform: Sân ga
  • Ticket: Vé
  • Oyster card: Hệ thống bán vé điện tử được sử dụng trong một số thành phố
  • Traffic congestion: Tắc đường
  • Environmentally-friendly/sustainable transportation: Phương tiện giao thông thân thiện với môi trường/bền vững.

What are the benefits of using public transport over private transport?

Using public transportation has many advantages over using personal vehicles. Among them, saving costs and reducing traffic congestion are the two main benefits. When using public transportation, you don’t have to worry about the operating and maintenance costs of personal vehicles, as well as fuel costs. Furthermore, using public transportation also helps to reduce traffic congestion, reduce emissions, and improve the living environment.

What is your opinion on the popularity of public transport in your country?

What is your opinion on the popularity of public transport in your country?
What is your opinion on the popularity of public transport in your country?

My opinion on the popularity of public transport in my country is that it has become increasingly important, especially in major cities where traffic congestion is a common problem. I think public transportation is an efficient and cost-effective way to get around, and it also helps to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution.

In terms of the types of public transport that are available in my country, there are buses, trains, and subways. Each of these options has its own benefits and drawbacks. For example, buses are often more affordable than trains or subways, but they may not be as fast or reliable. On the other hand, trains and subways are faster and more efficient, but they can also be more expensive.

Overall, I think that the popularity of public transport in my country is a positive thing. It provides a convenient and eco-friendly way for people to get around, and it helps to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution in urban areas.

  • popularity: sự phổ biến
  • public transport: phương tiện giao thông công cộng
  • increasingly: ngày càng
  • major cities: các thành phố lớn
  • traffic congestion: tắc đường
  • efficient: hiệu quả
  • cost-effective: tiết kiệm chi phí
  • reduce: giảm
  • air pollution: ô nhiễm không khí
  • types: loại
  • buses: xe buýt
  • trains: tàu hỏa
  • subways: đường hầm đi bộ
  • benefits: lợi ích
  • drawbacks: nhược điểm
  • affordable: giá cả phải chăng
  • reliable: đáng tin cậy
  • faster: nhanh hơn
  • eco-friendly: thân thiện với môi trường
  • positive: tích cực.
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Should people use more public transport? Why?

Should people use more public transport? Why?
Should people use more public transport? Why?

Trả lời: Yes, I strongly believe that people should use more public transport. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, it is much more environmentally friendly than driving your own vehicle. By using public transport, we can reduce our carbon footprint and help to tackle issues such as air pollution and climate change. Secondly, public transport is often much cheaper than driving, which can be a big advantage for those on a budget. Finally, using public transport can also be less stressful than driving, as you do not have to worry about navigating through traffic or finding a parking spot.

  • Public transport: phương tiện công cộng
  • Bus: xe buýt
  • Subway/train: tàu điện ngầm/tàu hỏa
  • Tram/streetcar: xe điện
  • Taxi: taxi
  • Bicycle: xe đạp
  • Commute: đi làm
  • Fare: tiền vé
  • Schedule: lịch trình
  • Route: tuyến đường
  • Stop/station: trạm

Do you think people in your country prefer public transport?

Trả lời: It depends on the individual and their circumstances. In some cities or areas where public transport is efficient and reliable, more people may be inclined to use it. However, in other areas where public transport is less developed, people may be more likely to rely on their own vehicles. Additionally, some people may prefer the convenience and flexibility of driving, while others may prefer the cost savings and environmental benefits of using public transport.

  • Environmentally friendly: thân thiện với môi trường
  • Cost-effective: hiệu quả chi phí
  • Time-efficient: tiết kiệm thời gian
  • Reliability: đáng tin cậy
  • Accessibility: dễ tiếp cận
  • Convenient: tiện lợi
  • Less stressful: ít gây căng thẳng

How do you think the government can encourage more individuals to use public transport in your country?

Trả lời: I think there are several ways in which the government could encourage more individuals to use public transport. Firstly, they could invest in improving and expanding public transport infrastructure, such as building new train or bus routes. Additionally, they could offer incentives such as reduced fares or tax breaks for those who choose to use public transport. Finally, the government could also launch public awareness campaigns to highlight the benefits of using public transport, and encourage individuals to make the switch.

  • Congestion: tắc đường
  • Pollution: ô nhiễm
  • Comfortable: thoải mái
  • Safe: an toàn
  • Efficient: hiệu quả
  • Affordable: giá cả phải chăng
  • Reliable: đáng tin cậy
  • Availability: sẵn có
  • Proximity: gần gũi
  • Flexibility: linh hoạt
  • Preference: sự ưa thích.

What are some of the benefits of taking public transportation?

What are some of the benefits of taking public transportation?
What are some of the benefits of taking public transportation?

There are many benefits to taking public transportation. Firstly, it is a more cost-effective way to travel than driving a personal vehicle. Additionally, it can reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, which can have a positive impact on the environment and public health. Public transportation can also be more convenient in some cases, such as in highly congested areas where finding parking can be difficult. Finally, taking public transportation can also be a more social experience, allowing individuals to interact with others and potentially make new connections.

  • public transportation: phương tiện giao thông công cộng
  • cost-effective: hiệu quả về chi phí
  • traffic congestion: tắc nghẽn giao thông
  • air pollution: ô nhiễm không khí
  • environment: môi trường
  • public health: sức khỏe công cộng
  • convenient: tiện lợi
  • social experience: trải nghiệm xã hội.

Hy vọng qua bài viết trên Upfile đã tổng hợp lại những từ vựng và các câu hỏi hay và cần thiết nhất trong chủ đề Talk about public transport. Để đạt điểm cao trong phần thi IELTS Speaking các bạn cần luyện tập và học từ vựng thường xuyên để nắm rõ kiến thức về chủ đề này nhé. Theo dõi thường xuyên chuyên mục Blog để biết thêm các bài viết hữu ích khác nhé!

Chúc các bạn học tập thật tốt!

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